for today:
outside my window... we have rain today! we need the rain, so i am giving thanks!!
i am thinking... about chapter 39 in isaiah. go read it right now! it is so sobering - how, after hezekiah saw the great mercy of God toward him and a great sign of God moving the shadow backwards on his staircase to confirm His promises to hezekiah, he could turn to attempt an alliance with babylon and trust in the might of men instead of in the faithfulness of God. it is sobering how he didn't cry out for God's mercy after he had already seen God's heart turn to his cries for mercy before. it is sobering to think that any of us, after walking in faith and seeing God move powerfully and personally in our lives, could turn to reliance on the might of man and to self-preservation instead of leaning into the Lord. if it could happen to hezekiah, it could happen to me. oh God, have mercy! faith must be continual, not an experience or a one-time (or even many time) decision. it must continue until the end. we need the grace of the Holy Spirit for this to be true in each of our lives.
i am thankful... for my sweet uriah jaden who is 8 years old today. he is such a gift. he is my psalm 27 boy and he lives that psalm. he is a mama's boy - always has been and always will be. he holds such a special place in my heart. he says he is never getting married but living with mommy forever and making me breakfast and tea every morning. i could live with that - though i think he will win some amazing woman's heart with his sweetness one day.
remembering... that God is faithful. so many times i doubt Him, even after He has come through again and again and has shown is mercy and compassion toward me. i do not want to make the mistake of hezekiah, but i want to be found faithful until the end. Lord, help me remember the ways You have been good to me, that my heart would be stirred to continually trust You.
from the learning rooms...
we are about to embark on one of the perks of homeschooling - traveling while doing school! i am excited to see how our upcoming ministry trip will shape our kids. i know they will learn a ton, and not just from the math books i am going to cram into their suitcase!
from the kitchen... uriah wants a pumpkin pie for his birthday dessert, so we are roasting the pumpkin and i will be attempting my 1st gluten free pie crust. we will see how this goes. i am not very experienced in pies.
i am wearing... jeans, a shirt that shows off my belly bump, a gray hoodie with silver stripes, and my charcoal felted toms. picture below minus the hoodie.
i am creating...a couple knit things that i contracted to sell with a couple people who have seen my latest creations on facebook. i have done terrible at keeping my etsy shop stocked, but i am having fun doing these local projects.
i am going... to guatemala in 2 weeks. eek! so much to do before we leave! we are taking 5 kids out of the country while i am pregnant - am i crazy?!! it will be memories for sure.
i am reading... more in my isaiah study. just finished chapter 39 right now. i feel like isaiah has shaped my world view so deeply. i don't know if any other single book of the bible has affected me this way. i have slowly dug deep in it over the past 3 years. i am sure if i didn't have a cackle of children i could have gone through it faster, but it feels like a slow marinade... like it is sinking in deeper and deeper because of the slow way i move through it. i think it is good evidence that no matter what season you are in, you can do a deep bible study. it may take you a long time, maybe years, like me. but it is so worth it to dig deep into the Word. i do my normal bible reading as well - right now i am going through the new testament again. this isaiah thing is in addition to that and is a great compliment.
i am hoping... i pass my glucose test with flying colors and that my iron levels come back good as well. i hate that drink. i don't know why they can't find a less tummy offensive way of checking blood sugar levels while pregnant.
around the house... still working on little projects to get the house rent ready. i also finally cleaned out the fridge, like really good, and switched out hosea's clothes. his whole dresser was full of clothes that were too small. i am so thankful for having saved boy clothes from his older brothers. the poor house has not had the tlc it needs.
one of my favorite things... is telling my kids about their birth stories at their birthday dinners. they look forward to it now! even though i told uriah his story last night, he told me that he might forget so i need to tell him again tonight at dinner.
pondering... what it looks like and what it takes to maintain a steady life of faith til the very end of my days.
a few plans for the rest of the week: we are celebrating uriah tonight, and then in 6 days we will be celebrating david. there is so much more going on between now and then including co-op, basketball games, birthday parties, church, holding that new niece of mine that was born this week, homeschooling, managing my bursting household, a potluck with some of our house of prayer people, and prepping for our upcoming trip.