for today:
outside my window... is a beautiful fall day. well, not so much in color, though i hope that comes soon, but in the perfect "let's go outside" weather.
i am thinking...about how good God is all the time.
i am thankful for... the class that asher is in at school this year. it is a multi-grade class and the teacher has a montessori background. the coolest part is she uses the Bible as her main text book, and constructs her lessons around using Scripture to teach almost anything including handwriting exercises. i love how the Word of God is getting in the kids from all angles. it isn't the christian school experience of a classroom the same as a public school but just with an added chapel once a week, but it is more little house on the prairie like. i love having him in there.
remembering... all of your kind comments on my last blog post about not giving up in the pursuit of knowing God reminded me that the journey of knowing God is not one we walk alone. though we ultimately must stand and give account for our lives by ourselves on the judgment day, we have this life to spur each other on in the faith and encourage each other to pursue the most important reason for life: knowing Him! if you haven't had a chance to read the comments, please take the time. i believe they are as encouraging as the post itself seemed to be to many of you.
from the learning rooms... so a little more about asher's class. yesterday the kids went to the watch of the Lord meeting and prayed for the church and believers in our area. then they went back to class and wrote out a prayer for the same topic (these are 1st-4th grade kids). some kids had a couple sentences, others up to three quarters of a page. then they had to draw what it would look like for their prayer to be answered. after that we got in small groups and each kid read their prayer to the group and showed their picture. lastly some of them were brave and sang their prayer in front of the group. in one assignment on prayer they covered the following subjects: Bible, writing, reading, art, public speaking, music. coming from an education background, but only having this example in the little house on the prairie books, i think my whole view on how to integrate faith with learning is being transformed. i love it!
from the kitchen... i am wanting something yummy (the term my sister uses when she is craving sweets). i need to figure out what i should make. ideas?
i am wearing... jeans and a long sleeve green shirt. there is a lot of green in my wardrobe.
i am creating... the coolest hat ever. i will have to post a picture soon.
i am going... to be a part of a teaching today on how kids can be involved in the house of prayer at the watch of the Lord today to a group of homeschool kids and parents. originally 40 parents and kids rsvp'd, but now we found out 50 kids will be there then plus their parents. it is going to be a fun time!
i am reading... the book of exodus in my Bible reading challenge. i would have to say this is one of my favorite books of the Bible. i mean, moses led the original signs and wonders movement, right? i like this book so much i even took a class at azusa pacific university called exodus/deuteronomy.
i am hoping... to get a start on fall cleaning soon. it is time to get life in order.
i am hearing... my two year old talk baby talk to the baby. i love how even little ones get high pitched voices when talking to a baby.
around the house... it is fall cleaning time! that means time to purge, organize, and go out with the old and in with the new. my first project - going through the kids' closets deciding what fits, what doesn't fit, what to save for the next kid, what to pass on, what to turn into cleaning rags, and so on.
one of my favorite things... is how God provides for us over and over again in the most amazing and unexpected ways. three different people, unbeknownst to each other, gave us cash this week enabling us to pay all the left over bills this month that we didn't know how they would be paid, put gas in our cars, and pick up some groceries. the coolest thing was they had no idea we needed it because we hadn't told anyone where we were at right now. it was as tight month, but i am finding with the Lord it doesn't matter how it looks at the start of the month. He always makes a way whether through what we are expecting or what we are not expecting. it has to be one of my very favorite things.
pondering... this quote my mom emailed me after my last post it counts big time. "courage does not always roar. sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'i will try again tomorrow.'" mary anne radmacher.
a few plans for the rest of the week: it is near the weekend, so i plan to spend good time with my family.
picture for the day:
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used with permission by myriah grubbs photography |
i am loving sharing pictures by my talented sister-in-law/favorite photographer myriah grubbs. this one is of my youngest son and youngest niece who are just 13 days apart. we call them the twin cousins. aren't they a pile of squishy-ness?!
more of the simple woman's daybook.
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