photo by myriah grubbs photography
2. poopy diapers are what they are and aren't the end of the world.
3. there is beauty or frustration in every moment - i get to choose which i focus on.
4. i am a better mama, a better wife, a better friend, a better human being if i get a few minutes in the Word each day.
5. the smiles and sweet sounds of a baby can wash away the fears, frustrations, and failures of the day.
6. somehow God always provides enough even when it doesn't make sense on paper.
7. noisy is relative.
8. quiet is also relative.
9. the reaction to the statement "i have 5 boys" will never get old.
10. once i hit 5 kids, strangers have no filter on the questions they ask about personal life.
11. people think i am some sort of hero or crazy woman to have 5 kids, but really i am just the same girl inside i always have been... and not that different than any other woman i know.
12. prayer is the most important key to every day... and a prayer-less day usually is a disaster.
13. God speaks constantly through the mouth of babes if i have ears to hear.
14. it is much harder to cook enough to have leftovers than it ever seems in the moment.
15. the desire to have no regrets will drive me to do or say crazy things that don't fit my "personality."
16. real friends are hard to come by and should be cherished and valued.
17. saying "i love you" sometimes can get more mileage than long talks that may waste words and time.
18. i love my parents more and more as i stumble along this parenting journey - thank you daddy and mama for the risks you took and the mistakes you made and the love you poured out because i have courage to do the same because of all you gave.
19. you don't have to be a perfect parent to be a darn good one.
20. the most important gift to give a child is an example of a real relationship with God.
21. the second is a loving, though imperfect, committed marriage.
22. both relationship with God and with a spouse take work, time, and energy.
23. forgiveness is the most important lesson i can teach my kids and learn myself.
24. listen more. talk less.
25. apologize often. humbling myself will never go out of style.
still counting gifts to 1000...
769 - 786:
769. oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
770. soccer practices.
771. time to work on the much neglected house work.
772. feeling the connection with my boys' hearts.
773. grace to let down my guard and break down the walls.
774. the constant opportunity to bear my cross in relationships around me.
775. the humbling effect of the cross, even when i despise it.
776. that it is by grace i am saved, for i sure can't seem to do it right.
777. the tenderness of the Lord when i feel pretty small.
778. as far as the east is from the west, that's how far He has removed our transgressions from us.
779. starting to run again!
780. the evidence of the Holy Spirit's activity in my life on the occasions i am actually able to keep my mouth shut.
781. a praying grandma.
782. beauty all around me.
783. the amazing revelations on God and life that spill out of my 4 year old's mouth.
784. worship times on friday nights.
785. the frequent reminders to stay here in the moment, to be present, to soak in the now of my children and my life because it won't be the same tomorrow.
786. knitting... the moments here and there i can pick up where i left off and knit.
i am linked up at a holy experience.

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