i wish i had the energy tonight to really write a post for you all. i have missed writing and missed this community here. the new school year, and all that has come with it including transitions in other areas of life, has hit me hard. i mean hard.
just want to share a few pictures of the rest that God provided for us before the craziness of this season we just started. oh, how did He know how badly i needed the rest?!
still counting gifts to 1000...
735 - 758:
735. my newest adopted niece that God placed in our family.
736. the hard work of the firefighters working on the blazes all around our city.
737. a patient husband who isn't scared off by my meltdown moments.
738. the challenge to find a new rhythm of life with this hectic fall schedule.
739. my sister's miracle pregnancy!
740. an amazing pediatrician for the past 8.5 years.
741. my sweetest david's 1st day of school ever tomorrow.
742. a walk with my dear friend who has been my friend for almost 30 years.
743. beautiful blooming crepe myrtle trees everywhere i look.
744. breath-taking sunsets.
745. my old computer sold on ebay.
746. coffee on the tired mornings that are way earlier than i am ready for quite yet.
747. a weekend full of celebrating new (and not so new) life all weekend long.
748. super easy hummus to make super easy kid lunches.
749. the washing machine and dryer my pop and nana bought us 9 years ago when we found out we were pregnant with our 1st child... still going strong 5 kids later!
750. peace in the midst of the storm.
751. He is my Hope.
752. reminder here to teach my kids compassion first.
753. the desire to simplify life right now in the midst of one of our busiest seasons yet.
754. a new guitar student for the hubby.
755. the boys' soccer practices.
756. an amazing oregon coast get-away right before school started.
757. driving along the beautiful coast - giant redwoods on our left, pacific ocean on our right.
758. i made myself a hat at last minute to deal with the shock of highs in the high 50's after being in 114 degree heat the day before.
i am linked up at a holy experience.

if you haven't liked this facebook page, you can in the upper right of this post. i would love to keep in better touch with you!