truth be known, i struggle quite a bit with being afraid. i am afraid of being alone. i am afraid of the unknown. i am afraid of disappointment. i am afraid of letting others down. i am afraid of death. i am afraid of pain.
there is this amazing God, the God of the Bible, who offers freedom from fear. He calls it casting all my cares on Him. He calls it trusting in Him. He calls it leaning on Jesus for my righteousness.
He tells me, why are you worried about tomorrow?
worry and fear are the opposite of trust and faith.
being afraid is usually a sign that i am relying on myself to figure it all out - my own problems and those of everyone else around me. though being afraid isn't a sin, refusing to let it go into His hands when i am confronted with my fear by His precious Holy Spirit is.
oh may i not refuse the sweet relief you offer me.
You will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in YOU.
trade my fear for Your peace.
if you want to join in, the instructions are below.

5 minute friday rules:
1. write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. link back here and invite others to join in.
3. please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them.
if you write a 5 minute friday, let me know - i would love to visit your blog and read what comes spilling out when writing against the clock!