word for the day: delight
my heart is hurting. sometimes, without even really knowing the exact reason why, i can end up in a pit of pain, apathy, and frustration. i do not like this feeling. i do not like being led by my emotions.
i long to rise above the fickleness of my heart and experience real delight.
storms come in life. the winds, the waves, the shaking of the ground we walk on... it all comes and will keep coming - it is just a matter of when. when i am moved to and fro in the midst of the blowing and the crashing and the shaking, i know that my heart is not anchored but instead led by the worst leader i know - my feelings.
how many times have i said, i just don't feel like it? how many times do i distance myself and choose isolation because of not feeling like allowing myself to be known? how many times do i hide in the darkness because i do not understand what it means to delight myself in the Lord?
david said, why are you so downcast, oh my soul? put your hope in God! delight yourself in the Lord!
so i tell myself - stop listening to all those emotions that lie to you - they are liars! put your hope in God, my soul. delight yourself in the One who can pull you out of any pit you have fallen into.
want to join in? click the picture below to go link up and the rules are simple.

5 minute friday rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them.
leave me a link to your 5 minute friday in the comments below and i would love to come visit and read! even if you don't have a blog, these timed writing prompts are a great way to overcome writer's block - i would encourage you to take out your journal and pen and join in that way!
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